Genetic variation and correlations among physiological characters in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) under high temperature stress
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Effects of high temperature stress during terminal stage on crop growth and genetic parameters were investigated in 18 advanced breeding lines and 4 varieties of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj. and Cosson] under normal (E1) and late sown (E2) conditions. Genotypes BPR 538-10 showed terminal heat tolerance for biological yield/ plant, seed yield/plant, total dry matter (60 days after sowing (DAS), crop growth rate (CGR) and relative growth rate (40- 60 DAS) and heat use efficiency while RH 0216 possessed terminal heat stress tolerance only for biological yield/plant. Terminal heat stress decreased heat use efficiency by 16.1% in BPR-538-10 to 66.3% in BPR-327-1-B. Heat use efficiency had high PCV and moderate GCV under E1. The seed yield/ plant exhibited significant and positive association with leaf area index (LAI) at 40 days after sowing (r= 0.434*), CGR during 40-60 DAS (r = 0.592**), total dry matter at 60 DAS (r = 0.590**), and heat use efficiency (0.795**) under high temperature stress. The study suggested that rapid leaf area development resulting in to high total dry matter production is vital for developing suitable varieties against terminal heat stress.
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How to Cite
Meena, D. R., Chauhan, J. S., Singh, M., Singh, K. H., & Meena, M. L. (2013). Genetic variation and correlations among physiological characters in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) under high temperature stress. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 73(01), 101–104.
Research Article

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