Genetic analysis of Southern corn rust resistance (Puccinia polysora Underw.) in maize

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M. K. Chandrashekar
K. T. Pandurange Gowda
H. C. Lohithaswa


Maize (Zea Mays L.) is prone to as many as 112 diseases in different parts of the world, incited by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes, leading to extensive damage to the crop. In India, about 61 diseases have been reported to affect the maize cultivation, which leads to reduction in the yield and quality of the produce [1]. The foliar diseases like Turcicum leaf blight, Maydis leaf blight, common rust, southern corn rust (Polysora rust) and Northern leaf blight are more important [2]. The southern rust caused by Puccinia polysora Underw. is most important causing an estimated yield losses of 45-50% [3]. Polysora rust is becoming a major threat to maize crop in recent years, especially in southern Karnataka and adjoining states like Aridhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Thus, there is an urgent need to identify sources of resistance and understand the inheritance pattern of resistance to Polysora rust of maize for initiating effective breeding programme.

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How to Cite
Chandrashekar, M. K., Gowda, K. T. P., & Lohithaswa, H. C. (2010). Genetic analysis of Southern corn rust resistance (Puccinia polysora Underw.) in maize. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 70(04), 381–382.
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