Orchid biodiversity in India: conservation and utilization

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R. P. Medhi
M. Chakraborti


India has vast genetic resources of orchids which have a great potential in the field of floriculture, herbal, pharmaceutical and tourism industry of the country. But these resources are declining rapidly due to destruction, degradation and shrinkage of natural habitats and commercial collection pressures. There is urgent need to conserve these valuable biological resources in natural habitats supplemented with preservation using modern methods of conservation like in vitro conservation, seed storage and cryopreservation. A networking of institutions engaged in conservation of orchids coupled with strong orchid breeding programme would enhance judicious utilization of orchids.

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How to Cite
Medhi, R. P., Chakraborti, M., & Rampal. (2012). Orchid biodiversity in India: conservation and utilization. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 72(02), 148–156. https://doi.org/.
Research Article