Variability in fruit physico-chemical characters of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.): an index for selection of improved clones for processing and value addition
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Survey to select the desirable clones of litchi (Litchi chemensis Sonn.) was conducted in the litchi growing areas of Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam and Tripura during the fruiting season of 2007-08 to 2010-11. The fruit characteristics were studied in the selected clones, which have exhibited a wide range of variation. On the basis of variability in fruit characteristics, ninety-seven clones were identified and studied for various physico-chemical parameters. The important clones from value addition and processing point of view were those having (i) higher fruit weight (ASL-95 (29.92g/fruit), ASl-85 (21.75g/fruit) and ASL-97 (21.13g/fruit)), (ii) high TSS (ASL-65 (20.88oBrix) and ASL-92 (20.16oBrix)), (iii) small seeds (ASL-97 (0.52g/ seed) and ASL-95 (1.18g/seed)) and (iv) high pulp percentage (ASL-97 (83.65%) and ASL-95 (79.78%) were identified. Four clones viz., ASL-97, ASL-95, ASL-96 and ASL-89 were having most of desirable attributes for fresh fruit consumption as well as for processing/value addition and have been finally selected and propagated vegetatively. Further, there is ample scope for selection of the desirable clones from the existing variability in the litchi orchards. The correlation studies for fruit weight with pulp weight, fruit weight with seed size, pulp weight with TSS, TSS with acidity and fruit colour with TSS and acidity, etc. can be established for screening of large populations of the identified litchi clones.
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How to Cite
Singh, A., & Nath, V. (2012). Variability in fruit physico-chemical characters of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.): an index for selection of improved clones for processing and value addition. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 72(02), 143–147.
Research Article

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