Genetic architecture of quantitative traits in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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Rudrasen Singh Raikwar
A. K. Upadhyay
U. S. Gautam
V. K. Singh


The nature and magnitude of gene effects for yield and its component traits were studied in barley using generation mean analysis in five crosses. In general, magnitude of dominance effect (h) has a greater value than additive effect (d) in all the traits. It is obvious that non-fixable gene effects (h), (j) and (l) were higher than the fixable (d) and (i) in all the crosses in all the characters, indicating greater role of non-additive effects in the inheritance of all the characters. The study revealed the importance of non-additive type of gene action for most of the traits, thereby suggesting that selection at later segregating generation could provide better results.

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How to Cite
Raikwar, R. S., Upadhyay, A. K., Gautam, U. S., & Singh, V. K. (2014). Genetic architecture of quantitative traits in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 74(01), 93–97.
Research Article

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