Natural flowering patterns and key traits influencing flowering propensity in diverse sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) clones at Coimbatore
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A study was conducted to analyze the natural flowering behavior of sugarcane clones focusing on identification of the cane characteristics that influence flowering propensity. The findings revealed that clones originating from subtropical agro-climatic zones exhibited the highest flowering propensity and flowered early, whereas those from tropical zones demonstrated a lower flowering propensity and flowered later. A positive correlation was found between the days required to form visible internodes and flowering propensity. Eleven key characters studied collectively explained 40.94% of the variation, as observed in the principal component analysis. A scatter plot analysis identified 22 genotypes with high flowering potential, including diverse genotypes Co 8209, 97 R 401, CoLk 94184, CoJ 89, LG 99190 and LG 72120, which exhibited 100% flowering propensity. These genotypes can be utilized in crossing programs to enhance seedling populations for varietal selection. The study’s findings provide valuable insights into the characteristics influencing sugarcane flowering, enabling the development of more efficient breeding programs and ultimately leading to increased sugar production.
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