Identification of potential donor for pro-vitamin A using functional markers in maize (Zea mays L)
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Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a global health problem. Maize naturally accumulates carotenoids including β-carotene, a major source of vitamin A. Thirty-seven Indian maize genotypes were screened for total carotenoids and βcarotene content. A positive significant association of kernel colour was observed with total carotenoid but not for β-carotene. The level of β-carotene among the selected 37 genotypes was low (0.14 to 4.63µg/g) as compared to total carotenoids (15.94 to 66.46 µg/g) thus necessitates the introduction and deployment of lines with high βcarotene. Hence, 54 inbred lines developed under the HarvestPlus programme were screened with functional markers of lcyE and crtRB1 genes of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway. Three genotypes (HP704-13, HP704- 22, and HP704-23) amplified most of the favorable alleles for both these genes. However, due to long Anthesis Silking Interval (ASI) and poor adaptation HP704-13 and HP704-23 could not be maintained. Under normal storage condition genotype, HP704-22 recorded 7.32 µg/g of β-carotene which can be used as a donor for provitamin-A or to diversify the Indian germplasm.
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Das, A. K., Singode, A., Chaudhary, D. P., Yathish, K. R., Karjagi, C. G., Kumar, R., Kumar, B., Singh, V., Mukri, G., Sapna, & Rakshit, S. (2021). Identification of potential donor for pro-vitamin A using functional markers in maize (Zea mays L). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 81(01), 50–55.
Research Article