Evaluation of seed protein content and quality of two Cajanus cajan x C. cajanifolius hybrids

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J. Panigrahi
S. N. Patnaik
C. Kole


Pigeonpea [Cajanu5 cajan (L.) Millsp.] is a rich source of dietary vegetable proteins that well compliment the cereals. The quality of its seeds is primarily expressed in terms of its protein content that ranges between 17.3 to 24.1% [1]. The quality of protein, in turn, is determined by the amount of sulphur containing amino acids and low content of protease inhibitors. Pigeonpea seed proteins contain 54-60% globulin, 10-20% albumin, 10-20% glutelin and 2-5% prolamin [1], whereas globulins are deficient in sulphur containing amino acids, the enzymatic albumin fraction is a rich source of sulfur containing amino acids. Hence, higher proportion of albumin per unit protein or higher albumin to globulin ratio should reflect better protein quality [2, 3].

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How to Cite
Panigrahi, J., Patnaik, S. N., & Kole, C. (2002). Evaluation of seed protein content and quality of two Cajanus cajan x C. cajanifolius hybrids. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 62(04), 338–339. https://doi.org/.
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