Implications of curvilinear response in dairy cows with increasing level of exotic inheritance in relation to a plausible breeding strategy for cattle development

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V. T. Prabhakaran


Although the most of the crossbreeding experiments, in dairy cattle, have revealed a curvilinearity in relationship between production and level of exotic inheritance, very little effort has been made in studying the reasons behind this curvilinearity. The present investigation is aimed towards bridging this gap to a reasonable extent. The fitness reversal and G x E interaction hypotheses of curvilinearity are tested empirically, using military dairy farm data. In the light of the results it is concluded that the curvilinearity is the result of a negative correlation between production and adaptation induced by 'fitness reversal' and G x E interaction has nothing to do with it. A case for developing a synthetic breed with 213 inheritance from two exotic breeds is also mooted.

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How to Cite
Prabhakaran, V. T. (2001). Implications of curvilinear response in dairy cows with increasing level of exotic inheritance in relation to a plausible breeding strategy for cattle development. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 61(03), 270–273.
Research Article

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