Heterosis and inbreeding depression in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)

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P. K. Singh


The present study was conducted with seven genetically diverse genotypes of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) viz., T-4, MT-2, TRS-9, RT-274, RT-264, AT-09 and DSS-13 crossed in half diallel fashion. The parents along with their 21 F1s and F2s were grown in randomized block design with three replications during Kharif, 1998. Each replication comprised of single row in case of parents and F1s whereas, F2s were represented by three rows of 5m length. Inter plant distance between and within rows was 30 and 15 cm, respectively. A single non- experimental row was grown all around the experi- mental area to neutralize border effect. Data were recorded on live randomly selected plants in each row for plant height, number of primary branches per plant, days to maturity, number of capsules per plant, number of capsules on main stem, 1000-seed weight and seed yield per plant. Heterosis over better parent (Heterobeltiosis) and inbreeding depression was calculated as per standard procedures.

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How to Cite
Singh, P. K. (2002). Heterosis and inbreeding depression in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 62(02), 169–170. https://doi.org/.
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