Inheritance of vegetative and reproductive growth period in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea Czern and Coss.) over environments

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Ravi Kumar
S. P. Sinha Mahapatra
Subrata Maity


The present study on Indian mustard (Brassiea juneea Czern and Coss.) was conducted to understand the nature of gene action of important characters and select suitable parents through the combining ability analysis over different environments. Nine Indian mustard genotype, viz., RLM-619, Rohini, IC-73229, PR-16, NC-57354, NDR-8501, BHUR-5, RW 85-59 and Sita, were crossed in all possible combinations exclusing reciprocals, Nine parents and their 36 F1s were grown on two different dates Le., 21st October and 9th November in the two consecutive years in RBD with three replications. Each treatment was grown in single row, 2 m long, spaced 30 cm apart, with the plant to plant distance 15 cm. Each experiment was guarded by one border row on either side to minimize the border effect. All the recommended agronomic practices were followed to raise the crop. Five competitive plants from each treatment were selected from each replication to record observations on days to first flowering, days to completion of flowering, maturity period (days reauired from the date of completion of flowering to the date of maturity) and days to maturity (Days required from date of sowing to date of maturity). The progeny means were used for statistical analysis. The combining ability analysis was carried out according to the procedure of Griffing's Method-2, Model-1 [1] and Singh [2].

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How to Cite
Kumar, R., Mahapatra, S. P. S., & Maity, S. (2007). Inheritance of vegetative and reproductive growth period in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea Czern and Coss.) over environments. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 67(01), 87–88.
Research Article