Characterization of elite lentil genotypes for seed iron and zinc concentration and genotype x environment interaction studies

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Harish Kumar
H. K. Dikshit
Anju M. Singh
D. Singh
Jyoti Kumari
Akanksha Singh
Dinesh Kumar


Forty-one lentil genotypes were evaluated to analyse genotype × environment interaction for iron and zinc concentration in the seeds. The analysis of variance for Fe and Zn concentration in grain at individual locations showed highly significant differences between genotypes. Pooled analysis of variance over locations displayed highly significant differences between genotypes, locations and genotype × location interaction. Among 41 genotypes, the maximum mean seed Fe concentration over the locations was observed in L4704 (136.91 mg kg–1) while maximum Zn concentration in grain was observed in VL141 (81.54 mg kg–1). The highest mean seed Fe and Zn was recorded at New Delhi (Fe -87.30 mg kg–1 Zn-68.60 mg kg–1). Although both the micronutrients were influenced by environment, seed Fe was more sensitive to environmental fluctuations in comparison to seed Zn concentration. The G × E study revealed that the genotypes VL 141 was most stable and adapted to the diverse environmental conditions of North West Plain Zone for Zn concentration. The genotypes, VL 141 and LH84-8 had high mean value for Fe concentration with little deviation from regression. AMMI biplot revealed that for Fe concentration in all the three locations exhibited equal discriminating power, however, for Zn concentration Ludhiana was found to be most discriminative. The three locations exhibited poor correlation between them for both Fe and Zn concentration in seed. This is the first report on iron and zinc concentration in lentil from India.

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How to Cite
Kumar, H., Dikshit, H. K., Singh, A. M., Singh, D., Kumari, J., Singh, A., & Kumar, D. (2013). Characterization of elite lentil genotypes for seed iron and zinc concentration and genotype x environment interaction studies. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 73(02), 169–176.
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