Screening and identification of resistant sources against Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV) disease in soybean

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Deepika Cheruku
S. K. Lal
A. Talukdar
B. Mandal
Prachi Yadav
K. P. Singh
Sunil Kumar


A distinct strain of Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV) infecting soybean was reported from India in 2013. Until now there are no resistant sources against CPMMV disease. In the present study 133 genotypes were screened and three sources of resistance against CPMMV in soybean were identified. The resistance was confirmed by sap inoculation and the presence of the virus was also confirmed through RT-PCR by designing primer specific to coat protein gene and NaBp region of CPMMV genome. The lines which were found to be resistant were further used to develop mapping population.

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How to Cite
Cheruku, D., Lal, S. K., Talukdar, A., Mandal, B., Yadav, P., Singh, K. P., & Kumar, S. (2017). Screening and identification of resistant sources against Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV) disease in soybean. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 77(02), 287–292.
Research Article

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