Effect of outcrossing on quality characteristics in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)

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J. S. Chauhan
S. S. Meena
K. H. Singh
M. L. Meena


Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) is an important oilseed crop covering about 80% of the rapeseedmustard cropped area in the country. This crop is largely self-pollinated. Nevertheless, out crossing ranging from 11-24 % has earlier been reported in this crop [1-2], which necessitates growing the crop at an isolation distance of at least 100m for breeder seed and foundation seed and 50m for certified seed for maintaining genetic purity [3]. Quality of oil is determined by fatty acid profiles and glucosinolates content characterizes the quality of seed meal. Chauhan et al. [4] reported quality characteristics of 96 rapeseedmustard varieties grown in India on the basis of breeder seed obtained from the concerned breeder/institute and concluded that except Pusa Karishma of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), GSC-5, TERI (00) R 9903 and TERI (0) R 03 of Gobhi sarson (Brassica napus), the rest possessed high erucic, low oleic and high glucosinolates contents. Since, outcrossing deteriorates the genetic purity of the crop, consequently the oil and seed meal quality would also be affected. Information on such aspect is scanty in this crop. In the present investigation quality characteristics of breeder and open pollinated seeds of 25 varieties of Indian mustard were studied over three cropping seasons to obtain precise information on effect of out crossing on oil, protein and glucosinolates content and fatty acid profile.

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How to Cite
Chauhan, J. S., Meena, S. S., Singh, K. H., & Meena, M. L. (2008). Effect of outcrossing on quality characteristics in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 68(04), 459–462. https://doi.org/.
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