Genetic analysis for yield and ginning out turn in F1 and F2 populations of upland cotton

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Serife Balci
Volkan Mehmet Cinar
Aydin Unay


Gene action and combining ability for seed cotton yield (SCY) and ginning outturn (GOT) were investigated in F1 and F2 populations of 4 x 3 line tester in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The rate of general and specific combining ability variances showed non-additive gene action in controlling SCY (F2) and GOT (F1). Carmen cultivar determined as the best general combiner for SCY and GOT. Carmen x Carisma was the most promising combination to be used as an F2 hybrid and a base population for filial generations. The individual plants with desired traits should be selected in later generations.

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How to Cite
Balci, S., Cinar, V. M., & Unay, A. (2021). Genetic analysis for yield and ginning out turn in F1 and F2 populations of upland cotton. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING, 81(04), 598–600.
Research Article