Fellow, Elected 1982
Born in Dahemun, Budaun,
Senior Research Assistant (Off-season Nursery, IARI, Regional Station Wellington, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu) 1971-75; Scientist S0, 1975-76, Scientist S1 1976-82, Scientist S2, 1983-85, Senior Scientist, 1986-98, Principal Scientist, 1998-2008 and Emeritus Scientist (CSIR), 2008-2011, Division of Genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012.
Research contributions: Twelve new genes in wheat viz., spike abnormality, hybrid necrosis, hybrid chlorosis (Ch1 in Secale cereal), disease lesion mimics, fertility restoration (Rf8) in wheat, tyrosinase activity in glume and grains, solid culm, a gene Cvg for curved grain in Triticum compactum var. amplissifolium Zhuk, a gene Crk for crinkled twisted flag leaf in bread wheat and two complementary recessive genes, apd1 and apd2 for apical lethality in wheat in T. aestivum have been identified and six of them are listed in International Gene Catalogue for present. A total of 15 including 13 of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) and one each of T. durum and T. dicoccum varieties have been developed and released for general cultivation in association with the scientists at IARI and its Regional Station, Wellington, The Nilgiris.
Academic contributions and extra-curricular activities: Published more than 100 scientific papers in peer reviewed Journals besides, more than 50 papers/abstract in international and national conferences and symposium proceedings. Taught Principles of Cytogenetics, Crop Cytogenetics and Applied Cytogenetics to post- graduate students of IARI from 1991- 2008 and, guided 16 Ph.D. and 4 M.Sc. students. Authored two books, Distant Hybridization in wheat (S.M.S. Tomar, Vinod and B. Singh 2004) ISBN: 81-88708-04-6, Pp 160, Indian Agricultural Research Institute. New Delhi and Genes for resistance to rust and Powdery mildew (S.M.S. Tomar and M.K. Menon .2001) Pp 152, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012.
Functioned as Chief-de-mission of IARI Sports Contingent from 1994 – 2004; Organizing Secretary, ICAR Central Zone Sports Meet, 10-14 January, 2006 and 2007. Visited Okayama University, Research Institute for Bio-resources at Kurashiki, Tottori University, University of Tokyo and Kihara Institute for Biological Research, Yokohama in Japan from November 23-30, 2004 and delivered an invited lecture on Wild germplasm of wheat: A mine of useful variability for food and nutritional security at the Wheat and Barley Symposium on “Food and Feed–Nutrition, safety and improved use of crops at Tottori University, Japan
Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding; Member, National Academy of Sciences, India.
Research Areas: Wheat genetics, cytogenetics and breeding, rust genetics, heterosis breeding.
Address: D11/119, Sector 8, Rohini,