Fellow, Elected 1975
Born in Guntur, India on 4 November 1928. Educated at ULCM High Schools Guntur and Peddapuram 1940-44; Hindu College, Guntur, 1944-47; Agricultural College, Bapatla, 1947- 50; B.Sc. 1950; University of Wisconsin, USA, 1956- 58; M.S. 1957 ; Ph.D. 1958. International Senior Consultant 1983 to date. Assistant Professor (Cytogenetics), 1958-61, and Botanist, IARI, 1961- 66; Project Coordinator (Rice), ICAR, 1966-75; Sr. Agricultural Officer, Agricultural Production and Protection & Executive Secretary, International Rice Commission, FAO, Rome, 1975-77; Director of Research, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria, 1977- 83; Honorary: Trustee and Vice-Chairman of the Programme Committee of IRRI, 1970-73, Chairman, Steering Committee and
Member, Scientific and Technical Committee, WARDA, 1977-82. ISGPB Fellow Directory
Awards/Honours: Padma Shri 1971; Borlaug Award 1974; Janna Reddy Venkatareddy Prize 1974; Tonnage Club Medal 1974; West Godavari Farmers' Trophy 1975.
Fellow: Indian Academy of Sciences; Indian National Science Academy. Research Areas: Plant-breeding, genetics, cytogentics, taxonomy, physiology, crop science, development, extension, agronomy
Address: "Ashoka", 102 Gautami Appts., Barkatpura, Hyderabad 500027, Telangana; [Tel: Res. (040) 27551666; ]