Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding


Fellow, Elected 1990

Born in Navi Nagar, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India on 5 July 1941. Educated at S.S. Inter College, Khatauli, 1959; J. V. College, Baraut, (Meerut) 1963; Agra university / IARI, 1972. B.Sc. (Ag) 1961; M.Sc. (Ag) 1963; Ph.D. 1972.

Scientist, Principal Scientist, 1964-83, and Head, 1984-87, IARI Regional Research Station, Hyderabad; Plant Breeder/ Agronomist FAO/ UNDP, Kenya, 1981-82; Consultant Plant Breeding and Seed production, FAO, Myanmar, 1986; IFAD - Consultant Agric. Support Mission for Tribal Development, 1995; PI Indo-Australia Project on Selection Procedure, Genetic Transformation and Crop Modeling; PI Indo-UK Project on Farmer Participatory Research; PI AP-Netherlands Project on Biotechnology; PI ICAR-ICRISAT Project, Training to International Staff; Course Director, Centre for Excellence, Facilitator, National Agriculture Technology Project on nutritious cereals - Millets, Maize and Sorghum/ Sweet Sorghum. National Project Coordinator, ICAR-All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project, 1988-2002; Director, ICAR-Indian Institute of Millet Research (formerly NRCS), Hyderabad, 1995-2002; Research Director, Pvt. Seed sector 2002-2003, 2005-2006; Consultant, Crop Science (Energy Crops), NFCL, Hyderabad 2006-09; Advisor (R&D), Vibha Seeds, Hyderabad, 2010-13.

Awards/Honours: Vasant Rao Naik - National Award, 1995.

Fellow: Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding.

Research Areas: Plant breeding, Quantitative genetics, Research management; Farmer Participatory Research, Energy crops development and production

Address: Flat No. 109, Indraprashth Apartments, Sector 12, Pocket 3, Dwarka, New Delhi 110078; [Tel: Cell: 9718450201; Email:;]