Fellow, Elected 1999
Born in Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh,
India on 09 September, 1964. Educated at Christ Church College, Kanpur,
1982-84; GBPUAT, Pantnagar 1985-90. B.Sc. 1984; M.Sc.Ag (Plant Breeding) 1987;
Ph.D. 1990.
Principal Scientist, Division of Genetics, ICAR-Indian Agricultural
Research Institute, New Delhi
Maize Breeder 1990-1991, ProAgro Seeds, Bangalore; Junior
Research Officer 1992-1993, GBPUAT, Pantnagar; Scientist 1993-1998, IIPR,
Kanpur; Scientist Senior Scale/ Senior Scientist 1998-2002, IIPR, Kanpur;
Senior Scientist 2002-2008, IARI, New Delhi; Principal Scientist 2009- till
date, IARI, New Delhi
Awards/Honours: Rajendra Prasad Award 2020 of ICAR; Dr. Ram Nath
Singh Award 2019-2021 of IARI; A. B. Joshi Memorial Award 2022 of Indian
Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding; Recipient of ICARDA Recognition for
Research in Lentil; Editor, Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding;
Editor, Journal of Food Legumes
Fellow: Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Indian
Society of Pulses Research and Development
Research Areas: Genetics and Breeding of Pulses; Development of
Varieties of Lentil, Mungbean and Rajmash; Biofortification of Lentil;
Phosphorus Uptake and Utilization Efficiency in Mungbean and Lentil; Biotic and
Abiotic stresses of mungbean and lentil; Nutritional Improvement of mungbean
and lentil
Address: Principal Scientist, Division of Genetics, Indian
Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012; D II -9, Pusa Campus,
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012; [Tel: Off. (011)
25841481; Cell: 9868342805; Email: harshgeneticsiari@gmail.com;