Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding


Fellow, Elected 1981

Born in Rewari, Haryana State on 22 April 1936. Educated at Government High School, Ajmer, 1944-51; Government College, Ajmer, 1951-54; Central College of Agriculture, Delhi, 1954-57; International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, Holland, 1957-59; Agricultural University, Wageningen, 1959-64; B.Sc. 1957; Specialization in Floriculture, IAC, Wageningen, 1959, M.Sc. 1961; D.Sc. 1964.

Professor, 1982-94, and Head, Division of Plant Physiology, 1994-96, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi; Consultant ITEC Prorgramme, Vietnam, 1988-89; Senior/Chief Research Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Tanzania, East Africa, 1970-75; Biological Manager, National Phytotron Facility, IARI till 1996; Consultant, ICAR/World Bank Project, Agricultural Human Resources D e v e l o p m e n t , 1997 - 2000 .

Awards/Honours: UGC National Lecturer, 1984-85; Secretary, Indian Society for Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 1985-88.

Fellow: National Academy of Sciences, India; International Agricultural Centre (IAC), Wageningen; Indian Society for Plant Physiology; Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding

Research Areas: Plant/crop physiology, regulation of flowering under controlled environment 

Address: Block N - 19 D, SFS Flats, Saket, New Delhi 110017; [Tel: Res (011) 29563303, 29561579; Cell: 9810996714; Email]