Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Trends and prospects of pulses and implications for nutrition

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The ratio of per capita availability of cereals and pulses has
changed from 1: 0.152 during 1961-1965 to 1: 0.108 during
2011-2013. This implies that for every kg of cereals
consumed in the country, the amount of pulses consumed
has reduced to 71 per cent during the last fifty years. The
decline in status of pulses production has distorted the
dietary balance, aggravating the already existing under
nutrition and malnutrition. Through this paper we try to
explore the causes for the slow growth in the production
of pulses and its role in the Indian agrarian economy. We
also try to understand whether the changes in dietary
balance have been voluntary or forced by availability. Lastly,
we try to investigate whether pulses help in addressing the
issues of under nutrition and malnutrition in the country,
or should we be complacent with food security based on
rice and wheat alone.

Keywords: Pulses, production, nutrition, Indian agrarian economy


Year: 2016
Volume: 76
Issue: 4
Article DOI: 10.5958/0975-6906.2016.00064.X
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906



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