Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Stability of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties for bora season of eastern India

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Twelve high yielding varieties (HYVs) of rice (Oryza sativa
L.) were evaluated for their adaptive advantage to various
dry season rice ecologies under direct seeded wetland
condition for yield and its' consistency. Varieties interacted
with time of seeding for duration, yield and its components,
disease and pest reaction as well as for milling recovery.
Knowledge on thermo-sensitivity and short day effect may
be helpful for seed producers as well as for commercial
purpose. Duration in different varieties got delayed due
to cold stress in November and December seeding and
it varied in between 14 to 34 days. It was minimum in
case of Vandana (14 days) and maximum in Saket 4 (34
days) due to effect of cold during growing season. Medium
late variety Pusa 44 registered the highest yield (about
10 t1ha) when seeded in mid-November. IR 64, CR 749-20-2
and Lalat, which are very popular in
bora areas, performed
equally well under mid-December seeding. The variety
Vandana may be promising for Early
Ahu areas of Assam
or in the areas where rice is taken after mustard or potato
as a direct seeded crop. Variety Tapaswini did not flower
at all when sown in mid-February till the end of the
season due to non-availability of appropriate short-day
requirement. Desirable grain type and tolerance to blast
of Khitish under mid-February seeding has made it popular
in the late
bora areas of West Bengal. Varieties varied
greatly in milling recovery - it was the highest when sown
in between mid-November to mid-December, except in
Saket 4 and lowest in mid-January seeding and onwards,
indicating grain-filling aspect for consideration as affected
by weather conditions due to different ti··.les of seeding

Keywords: Bora rice, dry season, short day, thermo sensitivity, G x E interaction


Year: 2006
Volume: 66
Issue: 3
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906



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