Detailed somatic karyotype analysis carried out in 13 varieties of barley revealed significant
intervarietal differences in total chromatin length and chromatin volume. Total chromatin
length of a haploid complement ranged from 67.23 to 46.02 11m while the chromatin volume
varied from 36.80 to 22.09 11m3. Somatic karyotypes, in general, carried two pairs of
sat-chromosomes. The karyotypes are symmetrical, mostly with metacentric chromosomes
and belong to lA category of Stebbins. Relative length, 5"10 (relative length of shortest
chromosome compared to the longest> and TF% (proportion of short arms in the total
chromatin length) estimations also indicate that the level of asymmetry is low in barley.
Based on chromosome morphology, four chromosomes (1, 5, 6sat and 7sat) in the haploid
cl)mplement can be readily identified individually. However, individual identification of
the other chromosomes is somewhat difficult due to similarities in length and arm ratio.
Keywords: Karyotype analysis, H. vulgare, chromatin length. chromatin volume, sat-chromosomes.
Year: 1996
Volume: 56
Issue: 3
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
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