Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding


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Mutagens of environmental significance have gained special attention on account of
their environmental pollution and possible genetic hazards. Three groups of structurally
different environmental chemical mutagens viz., Aziridines (Metepa and Thio-Tepa),
Nitroso-compounds (MNG and NMU) and esters (MMS and EMS) were used to study
their comparative mutagenic efficiency and also to induce mutations for specific traits
of econoII\ic importance e.g., protein content and rust resistance in two varieties, one
belonging to "tetraploid (var. HD 4502) and another to hexaploid (var. NP 880) wheat.
With effective muta~nesis, it was possible to induce mutations and with rigorous
screening in M2 and M3 generations, isolate mutant plants with higher grain yield
potential, protein content, desirable quality and better rust resistance in both the
varieties. Rectification of mottling effect of kernels of var. HD 4502 was achieved with
EMS treatment, which were found to be most efficacious. The experimental evidences
revealed that environmental chemical agents are potent mutagenic agents.

Keywords: Wheat, mutation, environmental mutagens, effectiveness, protein content, rust resistance


Year: 2000
Volume: 60
Issue: 4
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906



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