Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Positive influence of Lophopyrum ponticum derived Y gene on yellow pigment content - A major durum wheat quality trait

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The Lophopyrum ponticum chromosome segment 7EL is
known to carry rust resistance genes Lr19 and Sr25
besides a gene (Y) for yellow pigmentation of the flour.
This chromosome segment, originally translocated to
hexaploid wheat (chromosome 7D) and later
retranslocated to durum wheat (Chromosome 7A) and was
available for present study in form of durum wheat variety
UC1113 (Y). Intenser yellow colour of durum wheat
products is an important quality parameter on account of
consumer preference and nutritional significance. The
utility of L. ponticum chromosome segment was assessed
for improvement of durum wheat quality, in view of
availability of molecular marker tags for this segment and
the need to raise yellow pigment content of Indian durum
wheats. The molecular marker analysis of 188 F3 progenies
derived from a cross UC1113 (Y) X PDW291 was performed
to identify progenies homozygous for presence and
absence of L. ponticum segment carrying the Y gene. The
two sets of progenies were then used to ascertain the
influence of the Y gene on various quality parameters.
Presence of yellow pigment gene resulted in an average
increase in yellow pigment content of 24.03%, but lowered
1000 grain weight, test weight and grain hardness.Yellow
pigment was positively correlated with sedimentation
value. The presence of several Y gene positive F3
progenies combining most of the desirable durum wheat
quality traits showed that Y gene can be easily utilized to
increase the yellow pigment content without unfavourably
impacting other quality parameters.

Keywords: Triticum durum, Lophopyrum ponticum, yellow pigment, grain quality


Year: 2014
Volume: 74
Issue: Supplementry Issue
Article DOI: 10.5958/0975-6906.2014.00905.5
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906



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