Efficient plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis
has been developed in chickpea from embryonic axes on
MS medium supplemented wth 1.25 mgll 2, 4-0 and 0.25
mgn, kinetin induced callusing after 7 days of culture.
On the same medium, 7 days old callus masses started
differentiating with high efficiency of globular structures
during dark incubation. 1/2 MS salts + B5 vitamins + 40
gil, sucrose was found suitable for embryo maturation.
The well formed embryos germinated into plantlets on
MS salts + B5 vitamins + 1.25 mgll IBA + 2.0 mgll BAP.
Normal plants were transferred to soil.
Keywords: Chickpea, in vitro regeneration, somatic embryogenesis, explants
Year: 2002
Volume: 62
Issue: 4
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
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