A large number of studies have been reported in recent years on the use of radiationinduced mutations in the improvement of crop plants. Similar investigations on
other groups of plants have, however, been relatively few. The present experiments
on Chrysanthemum carinatum were undertaken, keeping in view the consideration that
while the possibilities and limitations of this approach remain to be clearly defined
by further work, mutations affecting one or two characters rather than the overall
agronomic potentiality of plants can, in general, be planned with greater chances
of success. The seed propagated annual species of Chrysanthemum, unlike the
vegetatively multiplied perennials, are not very popular mainly because of the less
attractive form, size and colour of their flowers. The present species has been found
to be self-incompatible and has 18 as its diploid chromosome number.
Year: 1961
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
H. K. JAIN, A. K. BOSE, D. SATHPATHY and S. C. SUR info_circle