Study01fytoplasmie-genic and genetic male sterility (CMS and G \1 S) 'or exploitation 01heterosis
.. cotton led to the Identlfka1lon 01 nve suitable exotk Gossypium hirsutum, restorers 01
fytoplasmlcogenlc male sterility. The 29 CMS hybrids obtained b)' u~ing 6 nlale sterile lines
(A lines) and 5 restorer lines (R lines), as well as 172 GMS hybrids involving 9 genetic male sterile
Unes were compared with Several cotton genotypes lor their seed cotton yield and eronomic
characters. The GMS hybrids were superior to CMS hybrids, significantly surpassing the yield 01
the commercial Hybrid-4. The CMS hybrids did not show significant improvement In yield over
the commercial cotton hybrid. The genetic background, local adllptability, and diversity 01parents
appeared to be responsible lor the superiority 01 GMS hybrids over CMS hybrids. The presence
01 strolll sterile cytoplasm may also be a probable reason lor the poor performance of CM~
hybrids, besides the limited number 01 hybrids based on cytoplasmic-genic male sterility system
in contrast with genetic male sterility system, where large number 01 hybrid combinations were
possible and thus produced and tested. The study also revealed .tbat 4 out 01 172 GMS hybrids
with high economic heterosis lor yield and also superior to Hybrid4 in lour qther economic
characters can be commercially exploited. Since the lemale parents 01 these hybrids are male
sterile, the cost 01 hybrid seed production can be substantially redured.
Keywords: Gossypillm hirslltllm L, cotton, male sterility, restorer, heterosis.
Year: 1990
Volume: 50
Issue: 1
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
N. L. BHALE AND M. G. BHAT info_circle