OF the three rusts attacking the wheat crop in India, yellow rust, Puccinia glumarum
(Schm.) Erikss. and Henn., is wide-spread in its distribution and may become quite a
devasting disease in the hills, where the prevailing low temperature conditions favour
its assuming epidemic proportions rather frequently. In some areas, it is the limiting
factor in the successful cultivation of wheat and barley crops. Though marked
success has heenachieved in breeding wheat varieties resistant to yellow rust, particularly
for the hills, little information is available on the genetics of resistance to this rust.
An attempt was, therefore, made to study the resistance to races 13 and H of this rust
in varietal crosses of Triticum aestivum. Both the races are frequently picked up from
the different wheat growing areas of India and race 13 is becoming more wide-spread
during the recent years.
Year: 1961
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
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