The inheritance of pod weight in cowpea was studied using three intraspecific cultigroups
in fields planting of the parents, Fts, F2S and backcrosses to both parents of three crosses:
Assam Local 1 X Birsa Sweta (bifloTa X sesquipedalis), Assam Local 1 X Yard Long Bean
(bifloTa X sesquipedalis) and Pusa dofasli XCheck Barbati (unguiculata X sesquipedalis). Pod
weight was inherited quantitatively. BifloTa X sesquipedalis crosses showed that light pod
partially dominant over heavy pod, while in the unguiculata X sesquipedalis cross mean pod
weight in Ft and F2 was almost equal to the midparental value. Gene action was
predominantly additive, although dominance, additive X additive, additive X dominance
and dominance X dominance gene actions were significant in the bifloTa X sesquipedalis
Keywords: Cowpea, Vigna spp., pod weight, inheritance.
Year: 1994
Volume: 54
Issue: 2
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
P. HAZRA, P. K. DAS AND M. G. SOM info_circle