Studies on the relationship of phenols and protein with white rust severity showed that
phenols imparted resistance whereas more protein led to higher disease severity at
vegetative and reproductive stages in Indian mustard. Inheritance studies indicated the
importance of both additive and dominance components of variance, with the
preponderance oflatter, in the genetic control of phenols and protein. Genotypes EC 126743,
EC 126745, Domo-4 and EC 126746-1 were identified as good combiners. Six crosses have
been identified on the basis of their high SCA effects and per se performance for further
Keywords: Brassica jlnlCea, white rust, combining ability, phenols, proteins.
Year: 1996
Volume: 56
Issue: 3
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
O. P. YADAV, T. P. YADAVA, P. KUMAR AND S. K. GUPTA info_circle