Four improved indica varieties adapted to high altitude regions namely K 39-2, lET
11988, Himdhan and lET 11990 were treated with ethyl methane sulfonate, sodium
azide and gamma rays with the objective of determining the most efficient mutagen
and most responsive genotype for induction of mutations affecting predominantly
reproductive parts and their functioning in rice. Frequency and spectrum of mutations
affecting floral traits computed on Ml plant progeny and M2 population basis
revealed the combination of the efficient sodium azide and the most responsive
variety lET 11990 to be ideal for recovering highest number of selectively male
sterile mutations. Among three kinds of male steriles viz., typical abortive,
sporogenous and deformed male sex types recovered, critical study of abortive type
helped identify several temperature sensitive genic male steriles, two of which are
being improved for commercial exploitation in two- line hybrid breeding.
Keywords: Rice, induced mutagenesis, floral traits, male sterility
Year: 1999
Volume: 59
Issue: 1
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
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