A comparative study of frequency and spectrum of chlorophyll mutations induced
by two physical (gamma rays, fast neutrons) and two chemical mutagens (NMU,
EMS) in relation to the effects in Ml plants and induction of mutations in M2 was
made in four chickpea (Cicer arietinum 1.) varieties, two desi (G 130 & H 214) one
Kabuli (C104) and one green seeded (L 345). The treatments included three doses
each of gamma rays (400, 500 & 600 Gy) and fast neutrons (5, 10 & 15 Gy) and
two concentrations with two different durations of two chemical mutagens, N'MU
[0.01% (20h), & 0.02% (8h») and EMS [0.1% (20h) & 0.2% (8h»). The frequencies and
spectrum of three different kinds of induced chlorophyll mutations in the order
albina (43.5%), chlorina (27.3%) and xantha (24.2%) were recorded. Chemical mutagens
were found to be efficient in inducing chlorophyll mutations in chickpea. Highest
frequency of mutations was observed in green seeded var. L 345 (83% of Ml families
and 19.9/1000 M2 plants). Kabuli var. C 104 was least responsive for chlorophyll
Keywords: Chickpea, Cicer arietinum, chlorophyll mutations, frequency & spectrum, mutagens, chlorina, albina, xantha
Year: 1998
Volume: 58
Issue: 4
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
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