Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Impact of hybridization and induced mutagenesis on variability of traits and resistance to fusarium wilt in Chickpea (Cicer arietmum L.)

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A high yielding and a late wilter variety Bheema was
crossed to ICCV-10, also a high yielder but highly-resistant
to wilt. The two parents are known to differ in respect of a
single gene governing resistance to wilt. The F2 seeds of
cross between Bheema and ICCV-10 were subjected to
gamma irradiation. Simultaneously, F2 was also advanced
to F3 generation. Besides, Bheema was also subjected to
irradiation to look to the possibility of developing high
yielding and disease resistant mutants. The F2M1
population proved to be highly potential in recovering
higher frequency of high yielding and wilt resistant types
than selfed (F3) and mutant (M2) populations.

Keywords: Chickpea, fusarium wilt, variability, muatation, hybridization


Year: 2011
Volume: 71
Issue: 4
Article DOI: N/A
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906


P. M. Gaur info_circle
K. S. Reddy info_circle

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