Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding


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A diallel analysis involving seven restorer lines of pearl millet lPennisetum glaucum
(L.) R. Br.] derived from the material of Indian and African origin. conducted using
data from 21 Fl and 7 parents without reciprocal showed that mean squares due to
general and specific combining abilities were highly significant
Interaction of general and specific combining abilities with environment was
significant for all the traits, i.e., grain yield, time to SO% flowe~ plant height,
panicle length and panicle girth. General combining ability for grain yield of the
pollinators ICMP 451 and ICMP 83401 was positive and consistent across test
environments. Other pollinators had either negative general combining ability or
nonsignificant general combining ability for grain yield.
Specific combining abilities for grain yield of ICMP 451 x ICMP SOl, ICMP 451
x ICMP 84122 and ICMP SOl x ICMP 83401 were high and significant across
environments. In these three crosses one parent had high general combining ability
for grain yield. The crosses ICMP SOl x ICMP 84122 and ICMP 84913 x ICMP 84122
had high specific combining ability effects for grain yield. In these two crosses
both the parents had low general combining ability effects. These five crosses were
significantly higher yielding over mean grain yield. However two crosses ICMP 451
x ICMP SOl and ICMP SOl x 84122 were considered superior to the other three
based on their abilit}" to produce higher frequency of good progenies.

Keywords: Pearl millet, restorers, gea, progeny testing, genetic variance.


Year: 1999
Volume: 59
Issue: 2
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906



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