Forty-six early maturing single-cross hybrids developed
from twenty-eight early maturing inbred lines along with
national checks (Vivek QPM 9 and Vivek Maize Hybrid 43)
were evaluated over three locations to identify the heterotic
superiority of the new cross-combinations over the best
check. Correlation studies were conducted to understand
the shift in relationship between different agro-climatic
zones. Nine single cross hybrids were found superior to
the best check at all the locations. Even though more
number of hybrids (60.4 per cent) was numerically superior
to the best check over the locations of zone-1, only 13
hybrids exhibited more than 10 percent superiority in
zone-1. Significant negative correlation was observed for
grain yield with shelling percentage (–0.306*) and days to
anthesis (–0.303*) and significant positive correlation was
noticed with plant height (0.350*) in zone-1. Grain yield
was significantly and positive correlated with shelling
percentage (0.552**) in zone-2. A significant shift in
correlation values was observed for grain yield with shelling
percentage, plant and ear height, ratio of ear and plant
height, anthesis-silking interval and grain filling period from
zone-1 to zone-2. The correlation coefficients between
characters which do not shift in their association over
locations/zones are more reliable for breeding single cross
hybrid adaptable to diverse climatic conditions. On the
other hand, significant deviation in correlation coefficient
may statistically determine the appropriateness of a location
to an agro-climatic zone.
Keywords: Agro-climatic zones, correlation, Z-test
Year: 2014
Volume: 74
Issue: 4
Article DOI: 10.5958/0975-6906.2014.00867.0
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
Avinash Singode, K. P. Singh, Ekta Srivastava info_circle
S. K. Guleria, R. Devlash info_circle
Z. A. Dar, A. A. Lone info_circle
Bilal Ahmad and V. Mahajan info_circle