Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Genotype x environment interaction for grain quality traits in emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum (schrank.) Schubl.)

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Emmer wheat is a traditionally cultivated wheat in
Northern Karnataka, Southern Maharashtra, Saurashtra
region of coastal Gujarat, parts of Tamil Nadu and
Andhra Pradesh, and grown in an area of one lakh
hectares with a total production of 2.5 lakh tonnes [1].
This wheat is hard with more vitreous nature and has
superior milling and functional quality. It is also a good
source of protein, dietary fiber, β-carotene with low fat
content. It also possesses high degree of resistance to
rust diseases and tolerance to terminal heat stress. It is
commonly used for the preparation of various traditional
pasta products and fetches premium price in the market
as compared to durum and bread wheat. The cultivation
of this wheat needs to be popularized in non-traditional
areas for its exceptional grain qualities. For this,
experimental level evaluation of potential genotypes
over different zones for quality parameters should be
done. With this objective in mind, 10 emmer wheat lines
(DDK 1025, DDK 1028, DDK 1029, DDK 1030, MACS
2947, MACS 2956, MACS 2961, HW 1095, NP 200,
and DDK 1009) drawn from different wheat improvement
centres in the country along with durum (MACS 2846)
and bread wheat (MACS 2496) were evaluated over
seven locations (Ugar, Arabhavi, Dharwad in Karnataka,
Pune in Maharashtra, Wellington in Tamil Nadu and
Vijapur and Junagadh in Gujarat) across India during
2004-05 winter for four important grain quality traits.

Keywords: N/A


Year: 2010
Volume: 70
Issue: 4
Article DOI: N/A
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906


S. A. Desai and R. R. Hanchinal info_circle

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