The segregating population was studied for association between yield and its components
within and between four successive generations. The normal and partial correlation
coefficients showed that for tuber yield: 1) in the seedling generation, tuber number was
more important than individual tuber weight; 2) in the first clonal generation, both tuber
number and their weight were equally important; and 3) in the second and third clonal
generations, tuber size was much more decisive than their number. But stability of the
associations and intergeneration correlation coefficients showed that out of tuber weight
and tuber number" both of which are positively associated with tuber yield but
negatively among themselves, tuber weight could serve as a more reliable parameter of
tuber yield.
Keywords: Solanum tuberosum, potato, character associations, intra-and intergeneration associations, selection.
Year: 1994
Volume: 54
Issue: 2
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
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