The performance of hybrid generations of the cross Amp 45 x T44 having both the
photothermal nonresponsive parents was better than the cross Amp 20 x L 24-2 involving
responsive parents for pods/plant, branches/plant, tOO-grain weight and grain yield/plant.
However, the performance of the cross Amp 45 X L 24-2 involving nonresponsive and
responsive parents was the best. The analysis revealed that pods/plant, days to flower, grain
yield/plant and plant height was governed predominantly by additive genes and duplicate
digenic interaction in crosses involving parents of identical photothermal responsiveness
while in the cross Amp 45 X L 24-2 all types of gene effect governed these traits.
Transgressive segregates appeared in this cross. Intermating of transgressive segregates
may lead to accumulation of favourable genes in the homozygous progenies.
Keywords: Epistasis, mungbean, dominance, additive, photothermal response.
Year: 1996
Volume: 56
Issue: 3
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
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