Crosses from 9-parents half dialled of G. hirsutum were
evaluated in field and mud pots. 80th additive and non
additive gene action were important in the expression of
biomass recovery, water use efficiency, total leaf area,
transpiration and yield per plant. The g.c.a. and s.c.a.
variances under varied condition indicated the influence
of growing conditions on various characters. Laxmi, Reba
Pvt 9, Reba 850 and 130100 were good general combiner
for yield, biomass/plant, relative water content and total
leaf area. Crosses SRT 1 x 81007, SRT 1 x Reba Pvt 9,
8 1007 x 130100, Laxmi x Reba 850, Reba 8 50 x 170
C02 and 1301 DO x 170C02 were identified as the best
cross combinations for high yield with less biomass
Keywords: Cotton, drought tolerance, morphophysiological parameters, combining ability.
Year: 2001
Volume: 61
Issue: 1
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
Suman Baja Singh and D. Singh info_circle