Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Efficiency of half-~ib, full-sib and 81 progeny recurrent selection methods for improvement in grain and dry fodder yield in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Sr.]

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The major aim of pearl millet breeder is to develop stable,
high-yielding varieties/hybrids. The improved composite/
population provides base for the development of
high-yielding stable varieties/hybrids. The present study
was conducted to compare the efficiency of half-sib (H5),
full-sib (F5) and selfed progeny (51) recurrent selection
methods for improvement in yield: and to improve the
per se performance of the
EC91 PCV5 pearl millet
composite. Half sib progeny selection method showed
3.17% realized genetic gain, whereas full-sib progeny
selection method showed
11.49% and 51 progeny selection
method showed
31.6% realized genetic gain for grain yield
on pooled basis. Thus, 51 progeny selection method
recorded highest realized genetic gain for grain yield as
compared to half-sib and full-sib progeny selection
methods. 5imilar trend was also observed for other yield
contributing traits. For effective tillers per plant the realized
genetic gain was
12.55% for half-sib, 25.11 % Jor full-sib
28.14% for 51 progeny selection method. It was 0.61%
(H5), 3.55% (F5), 7.69% (51) and 0.16 % (H5), 16.06% (F5)
28.04% (51) for threshing percentage and harvest index,
respectively on pooled basis. Thus, it was revealed. that
the 51 progeny selection method is most efficient for
improvement in grain yield and its contributing traits in
pearl millet. The increase in grain yield in 51 progeny
selection method is correlated with increase in panicle
surface area, effective tillers per plant threshing percentage
and harvest index. On the other hand, for dry fodder
yield, only half-sib progeny selection recorded significant
realized genetic gain. This increase in dry fodder. yield
is correlated with the tallness and lateness

Keywords: Pearl millet. recurrent progeny selection, selection strategy


Year: 2005
Volume: 65
Issue: 4
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906



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