Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Effect of timing of heat stress during grain filling in two wheat varieties under moderate and very high temperature

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In order to examine the effect of short periods heat stress
on grain growth, two cultivars (Longmai26 and Longmai30)
were grown in pots at two different diurnal temperatures
(32/22°C; 25/15°C) in climate-controlled growth cabinets
and exposed to a 5-day heat stress (38/22°C) at 5-day
intervals throughout grain filling after anthesis.The results
indicated that long periods of moderate high temperature
(>30°C) have higher effect than short periods of heat stress
(5 days with maximum 38°C for 6h each day). However,
plants grown at the moderate temperature (25/15°C) showed
a greater response to a short period of heat stress than
plants grown at the high temperature (32/22°C). At elevated
temperatures, the change in the rate of grain filling is smaller
than duration of grain filling.The high grain-filling rate and
high potential grain weight should be used as a criterion in
selecting for high temperature tolerance in wheat.

Keywords: Wheat; post-anthesis heat stress; grain weight; rate of grain filling; duration of grain filling


Year: 2015
Volume: 75
Issue: 1
Article DOI: 10.5958/0975-6906.2015.00018.8
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906


L. J. Zhao,Q. J. Song, H. B. Zhao, Y. B. Zhang, C. info_circle
X. M. Zhang, Y. M. Zhang, J. L. Li info_circle
L. L. Zhang info_circle

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