Seeds of four mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]
varieties, viz., Pusa Vishal, Pusa 9072, Pusa 9531 and
PS-16 were treated with five growth regulators including
gibberellic acid, indole acetic acid, benzoic acid, 2,3,5
tri-iodobenzoic acid, and 2,4-dochlorophenoxy acetic acid.
Each variety was treated at three concentrations of each
of these five chemicals. The objective was to investigate
the performance of these varieties, when their seeds were
treated before sowing with these growth regulators.
Application of the plant growth regulators, 2, 3, 5
tri-iodobenzoic acid (10-3 ppm) and 2, 4-dichlorophenoxy
acetic acid (10-3 ppm) produced highest seed yield in all
the four varieties. This was due to more positive
contributions by high harvest index, 100-seed weight,
seeds per pod and pods per plant towards grain yield.
Keywords: Mungbean, growth regulators, seed yield, harvest index
Year: 2006
Volume: 66
Issue: 3
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
J. L. Tickoo, Parvaz Ahmad Mir and Dhirendra Singh info_circle