In order to implement effectively Protection of Plant Varieties
and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 testing of new varieties for
Distinctiveness (D), Uniformity (U) and Stability (S) is
essential. Based on field and laboratory trials along with
the most similar variety a new variety is compared for the
characteristics which describe the variety. Distinctiveness
assessment of a new variety apparently looks easy but
actually it is not so particularly in case of crop species
maintained /reproduced through often cross pollination
and cross pollination owing to presence of plants with
varied expression in some characteristics. Similarly,
uniformity assessment of a variety ensures its genetic purity.
The crop specific DUS test guideline has been developed
and followed for plant variety assessment to register a new
variety. Further there is enough scope to comprehend the
guidelines for the benefit of plant variety examiners. To
make the comparison scientific and valid some statistical
procedures are used. Plant varieties differ genetically and
the differences are expressed in the form of phenotypes
(characteristics). The level of difference depends not only
on the genetic constitution of the characteristics but also
on the sample size, level of confidence, reject numbers etc.
These are required to be studied in each plant species
keeping in mind the overall variation available among the
varieties in a plant species and easiness in the registration
process. In view of influence of growing environment on
the quantitative characteristics there is need to identify a
separate set of example varieties for proper description
and assess distinctiveness of new varieties for its
Keywords: Distinctiveness, uniformity, plant variety, example variety, PVP
Year: 2019
Volume: 79
Issue: 1, Supplement
Article DOI: 10.31742/IJGPB.79S.1.25
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
S. K. Chakrabarty* and Dipal Roy Choudhury info_circle