Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding

Diversity analysis by RAPD and ISSR markers among the selected mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] genotypes

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Narrow genetic base in the working collection of mungbean
in India is a bottleneck in the improvement of this crop.
Present study gave emphasis for making sizable, but
effective working gene pool. Molecular markers, like RAPD
and ISSR were employed to assess the genetic diversity
among selected germplasm comprising varieties, landraces
and wild accessions. Though polymorphism among the
varieties was moderate, it was high (83%) when the whole
set of germplasm was considered. One mungbean variety,
PS-16 with determinate growth habit and a wild accession,
(V. radiata var. sub/obata) was found most diverse
as revealed from the lowest Jaccard's similarity coefficient
value (0.34). One of the landraces from West Bengal, A-5
(Chinnimung) was also found distantly located in
dendrogram from all varieties and other landraces. The
efficiency of ISSR markers over RAPD markers was well
visualized from higher frequency polymorphic bands and
polymorphic information content values.

Keywords: Mungbean, RAPD, ISSR markers, genetic diversity


Year: 2005
Volume: 65
Issue: 3
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906



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