The fertility restoration ability of five restorer lines with ten CMS lines was assessed. The
hybrids Intan Mutant A x ARC 11353 R, Mangala A x ARC 11353 R and Mangala A x IR
9761·19·1 R had more than 70% pollen fertility, but, they did not have good seed set.
Therefore, spikelet fertility (0/.) was taken as criterian for the restoration ability of R lines.
Based on this, the line ARC 11353 R is considered as the best restorer followed by IR 36 R
for WA source of cytoplasm. IR 46 Rand IR 54 R are effective r~storersfor O. niV4r4 source
of cytoplasm. However, variation in the restoration ability of R lines for the same CMS
source was also observed.
Keywords: Fertility restoration, rice.
Year: 1994
Volume: 54
Issue: 2
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
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