Study on the developmental morphology of two true breeding dwarf mutants in lentil
revealed that reduction in both internode length and number were responsible for their
short stature. The stunted mutant, with marked reduction in the number of leaves and pods
per plant, length of pod bearing zone, biological and seed yield, was only 1/4 of the parent
variety Pant L-639. The~ted charader is also associated with late flowering. However,
pod size, seed size and weight, and harvest index increased in the mutant. The semidwarf
mutant also had reduced number of primary branches, pods/plant, biological and seed yield
besides plant height. The difference in height of the semidwarf mutant and parent variety
becomes noticeable only after 40 days of crop growth. Seed protein content was high in
stunted (26.20/.) as well as semidwarf (24.7%) mutants than the parent variety (23.1%).
Keywords: Mutations, plant height, lentil, protein content.
Year: 1996
Volume: 56
Issue: 3
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906