Combining ability analysis in rice bean [Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi &: Ohashi) was
studied in a 6 x 6 diallel cross without reciprocals in Fl and F2 generations. The variances
due to gca and sca were highly significant, indicating the importance of additive and
nonadditive gene action for all the 9 traits. The estimates of gca components were higher
in magnitude than that of sca component for all the traits except seeds/pod, indicating the
importance of additive gene action for the traits. Parent RCRT-64 was a good general
combiner for all the traits except seeds/pod. Eight hybrids were good specific combinations
for grain yield. Forimprovement of the crop yield, biparental mating followed by recurrent
selection or by selective diallel mating system to exploit additive and nonadditive gene
action is suggested.
Keywords: Rice bean, Vigna umbellata, combining ability.·
Year: 1996
Volume: 56
Issue: 4
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906