In an 8 x 8 parent diallel cross of G. hirsutum L. evaluated in 3 environments,
additive type of gene action was preponderant for ginning percentage, seed index,
lint index, 2.5% span length and fibre fineness. Interaction effects of GCA and SCA
with environments were highly significant for all the characters except ginning
percentage and 2.5% span length respectively. The GCA effects were more stable
over a range of environments, whereas the SCA affecs were much influenced by
environmental variation for the traits. Parent, LRK-516 found to be good general
combiner for all the characters, while G.Cot. 10 also found to be a good general
combiner for all the characters except fibre fineness. Cross combinatiions G.Cot.10
x B.N. and G. 2360 x LRK-516 gave high SCA effects for seed index, lint index
and 2.5% span length, while crosses H 777 x DCI - 108 and Sharda x G. 2360 for
ginning percentage, seed index and lint index.
Keywords: Gossypium hirsutum, upland cotton, combining ability over environments fibre chartacters
Year: 1999
Volume: 59
Issue: 1
Article DOI: NA
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
M. J. PAVASIA, P. T. SHUKLA AND U. G. PATEL info_circle