Limited information is available on the extent of genetic
variability in sesame. In this study, twenty phenotypic
(qualitative and quantitative) traits and 200 RAPD markers
were used to determine the extent of genetic diversity
among 60 sesame varieties grown in different geographical
regions of India. Fourteen RAPD markers were found useful
in assessing the diversity. A high level of genetic variability
among population (HT = 0.1991) and less variability within
population (HS = 0.0749) was observed. Mean coefficient of
gene differentiation (GST = 0.6238) was 62.38 % among
sesame population and 37.62% within population. The study
indicated that the Indian sesame lines are genetically
diverse, which should be utilized in the improvement of
sesame crop.
Keywords: Genotype characterization, genetic diversity, phenotype; RAPD markers, Sesamum indicum L.
Year: 2014
Volume: 74
Issue: 3
Article DOI: 10.5958/0975-6906.2014.00852.9
Print ISSN: 0019-5200
Online ISSN: 0975-6906
Satyendra Nath Sharma, Vinod Kumar, Chitra Sharma, Nidhi Shukla, Archana Gupta info_circle
Anjay Tripathi and Seema Paroha info_circle